Welcome onboard ! As a new Ali’N Co robot worker, ride the fun of deliveries with your "friends" in a 2D coop game set in a fancy and yet chaotic space station. Funny mess guaranteed*!
*Spare parts are not provided to the employees.
--- TASKS ---
Zero Gravity Feeling
Because Ali'n co takes place in space, our main challenge was to implement a zero gravity feeling which looks realistic and brings some mess but which remains playable and enjoyable.
I iterated a lot through the production, tweened the rigid body mass and velocities of our characters and packages as well in order to bring a nice feeling remote in hands.
LD Ingredients Development
Ali'n Co games are punctuated by many events to disturb players routine. To make this events system the easiest we decided to create one prefab for each event. The prefab is instantiate in the scene when needed, it manages the event by itself and then destory himself when the event is done.
During the production, I had the opportunity to work on two of the events:
- coworkers event: some coworkers robots are spawned and follow a spline through the room, blocking and pushing the players and packages they may encounter.
- breach events: Sometimes, meteors collide with the spaceship glasses and break them. This create a hole, attracting all the packages and players to it. The attraction strentgh increase when the distance between the hole and the object decrease.
Local Multiplayer & Character Selection
The game can be played alone or up to 4 playes localy.
Therefore I implemented a multiplayer input system using Rewired, a Unity input system.
I've also worked on the character selection UI, animations and settings modification and update
Delivery Zones
Finally, I implemented the package validation system when they entered in a delivery zone:
- first the pakcages type is check to see if it match the delivery zone
- when a package enter a zone, it is considered valid when it is fully in the delivery zone (4 corners in)
- when a package exit a zone, it is considered invalid when its center is out of the zone
I also added a small attraction force at the center of the delivery zone to slow incoming packages and make the feeling more pleasant when players are throwing boxes toward the delivery zone.
Character Animation
In order to bring some more attractiveness to the game, I worked on a few polishing points one the robtos:
- robots arms are moving when they grab something
- facial expressions change with what the robot experiences (beeing attracted, collide with a wall or package, succeed a pass...)
- small scale change and a shadow moving in the background to bring a floating feeling
--- CONTEXT ---
Ali'n Co is my first couch game project I've worked on so far. Wether the team size, time of development or the final product quality we aimed were all new to me. It has been really challenging, messy and fun to work on zero gravity feeling and trying to create a chaotic but yet enjoyable environnement.
I discovered a lot of new stuff in terms of programmation and team work through the project. It has also been a great opportunity to practice all the new things I've learned.