You're a damned soul diving deeper and deeper into the abyss. Make your way through the different rooms, and fight all those who will dare to stand before you.
--- TASKS ---
Grid System "from scratch"
Down the Abyss works on a 2 axes (up&down - left&right) tiled maps.
In order to achieve this I decided to do without Unity grid system and developed my own system of tile. Each tile knows its surrrondings tiles, wether it is accessible or not or if it is occupied by a entity.
We can easily reach any tile of map from any other one

Room Builder Tool
A new map is generated at each new room. I implemented a tool to allow our game designers to create maps preset. They can define map size, where the entrance and exit are and also define each tile settings and visuals
Movement and Attack Pattern
Player movements is done by sliding on the screen in any of the foruth direcions.
Developing entites attacks has been a real challenge. Oriented patterns required to be converted depending on the attacking entity direction in order to find the hit tiles and check wether a target was touched or not.
AI Behavior (Enemies & Bosses)
My main challenge on this project came from enemies AI development. Creatures move randomly until they spot the player and start chasing him.
I had to take in account all the differences in their behavior such as, number of move per turn, attack pattern or number of turn to charge their attack for exemple.
Furthermore the pathfinding system I implemented doesn't find the quickest path to the player but the quickest path to the closest tile where the entity can attack the player from.
In addition to the basic enemies, bosses comes with completely new behavior and some unique mechanics which I had to develop.
--- CONTEXT ---
Down The Abyss is the biggest mobile project I've worked on so far. Wether the team size, time of development or the final product quality we aimed were all new to me.
I discovered a lot of new stuff in terms of programmation and team work through the project. It has also been a grat opportunity to practice all the new things I've learned