Dive into an abandonned secret lab to pierce
--- TASKS ---
Inventory System
The player can find and switch between several items (fist, gun, crowbar...) to progress in the game.
Inventory system works as a line of slots. Navigate in a way or an other item by item.
Doors Animation
Doors are the elements the player faces the most in the game. All are openable but door size, shape and type differ and their animation to.
Their development is based on an Oriented Object Programmation in order to deal the best with doors common points and differences too.
AI Development
My main challenge in this was to create the monster AI. Using Unreala Engine 4 AI System, the monster perception includes sight and hearing sense.
Using a behavior tree and a navmesh the monster is able to patrol through the game world, to look after the player or to chase him if needed.
AI difficulty scale with the player progression: the monster patrol zone shrinks while the player progress in the game
--- CONTEXT ---
Terror Lab is a school project. It is my first game made on Unreal Engine 4. I worked with an other game programmer and some artist and designers in a team of 5 people