An escape game in the collegiate church Notre Dame de Mantes-la-Jolie based on its history

--- TASKS ---
Player Move + Look
Because this is a mobile game. I worked on the integration and maping of a virtual joystick and touch field to allow movement of the player and of its view as well.
Enigmas Global Management
Regarding to the enigma solving experience. We wanted to lock and ehance player view on an enigma when he tries to solve one. To achieve this I used some secondary cameras to switch the view when he enter an enigma. Point of view comes back to the player body when he leaves the enigma.
Also, to grant a better play time, the player is only allowed to enter in an enigma when he is close enough of it in the game world.
Church Enigma
Each figurine has a number on it. The player needs to touch them to flip them around and find the number
Round Table Enigmas
This enigma needs to be resolved in two phases:
- first the player replace each ring of the table, the right way, by rotating them.
- then he has to replace each gem to its right spot. The touched gem goes to the empty spot.
--- CONTEXT ---
This game and its realization was my first experience with Unity or any kind of game engine. This was also my first time with C# and typed programmation languages.
We were also not a video game team. My roles went far over just programmation. I Participated in desgning the game and its enigmas. I also made almost all the 3D assets which compose the game